Website Design, Business Software, Integrations
Helping Businesses Grow
with Technology
Need a website for your business, but don’t know where to start? Or you started building a website yourself, and it became more involved than expected? Let us help.
We can do the website design for you, the style, content, keywords, and verify it has a solid SEO, accessibility, and performance rating. We also provide guidance and a plan on how to continue to improve your sites ranking.
Investigating business software to grow your company? We can help with that process. We can assist or drive the research, analysis, and evaluation of services that match your specific needs today, and will grow with you in the future.
Our experience in the design, and development of complex business software products provides us unique insight and skills to speed your efforts.
Are you looking to integrate new software or 3rd-party services to your existing business process or product? We can help make that process easier, faster, and less stressful.
Integrate external or legacy services to perform periodic batch, or real-time updates. We have experience leveraging API’s for software integration to add or extend the services you are offering.
Case Studies
Randomize and Automatically Update Content on Pages
Customers would like to provide random content on pages for things like testimonials, reviews, case studies, recent projects, etc.
Send Text Alerts to Coop Members
A local Water Coop needed the ability to send text alerts to members if there were problems, upcoming service outages, or special meetings the members needed to be aware of.
Provide detailed customer usage on SaaS product
The company needed more visibility into how customers really used their SaaS product, what features were commonly used, infrequently used, etc.